Yes, I'm ranking my favorite television channels... don't judge me.

Comedy (30 Rock, Conan, The Office, SNL, Notre Dame football) and Drama (Friday Night Lights, Southland, Heroes, Olympics) plus TV's #1 slot: Sunday Night Football

Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, and Tosh.0 put this channel tops among basic cable. The late-night (often uncensored) stand-ups are DVR gold
Cops, Speeders, awesome car chases and a slew of titles that begin with "Most Shocking/Extreme/Horrifying" have me a fan of reality TV. (Not reality, actuality!)

Not only does it stream live stats, it's mildly entertaining, uber-political, tech savvy, scientific, and often internationally newsworthy

Lost, AFV, Scrubs, Jimmy Kimmel, College Football, Bowl games, NBA and golf. (and I hear Dancing With The Stars and Greys Anatomy are pretty entertaining too)

NOVA and Nature alone put PBS in the top five (although American Experience and random nudity are bonuses) and oh, guess what, NO COMMERCIAL BREAKS

Simpsons, 24, Family Guy, Cops, American Idol (I only watch the auditions), NFC Football, Nascar, MLB

Colts, How I Met Your Mother, 2½ Men, CSI, Price is Right, golf, and March Madness

NBA Playoffs, Law & Order, CSI, and Braveheart re-runs, because thats more believable drama than whatever ESPN, MTV or E! puts out. (Exceptions: live sports, Run's House and The Soup)