Monday, October 04, 2010

Hoosier golfer unlikely Ryder Cup star

Although the Americans eventual fell to the Europeans, one Ryder Cup rookie was screaming "Boom Baby!" after holing out from the fairway for Eagle on the 8th hole.

While Tiger and Phil had difficulty matching their counterparts, Jeff Overton not-so-calmly led the fight to keep the US hopes alive.

Maybe it was his Midwest golfing background that suited him well in chilly Newport, Wales. Or maybe he's just hungrier? After all, he still hasn't won a single PGA tour event.
Either way, my new favorite golfer will surely be tearing up the courses for years to come.

Top 12 Comedy Podcasts

I'm not calling this a list of my favorites, because I know this to be fact, not opinion: Kill Tony T.Y.S.O. Bad Friends Are You Garbage...