GQ article has Jack Black recalling a recent bender while shooting 'Kong':
"But there was a lost weekend where I had a little time off and I did some Ecstasy and I went on a kind of crazy rampage and I started smoking (again)," he says. "Me and another member of the cast, who will remain nameless, just running around, dancing around, drinking and Ecstasizing, smoking like a chimney. And then it was over."I liked him before, but now I love him. His Orange County performance was Oscar-worthy and Hollywood should create more supporting roles just for him. I'm adding him to list of people I'd like to meet, alongside Dennis Rodman and Sticky Fingaz. That'd be one helluva limo ride...
Recent rumors have Golden State in talks with the Pacers involving either Jason Richardson or Baron Davis. Good news: They're both very much stars. Bad news: we'd probably have to package someone not named Croshere or Pollard. Dunleavy likes Artest but won't give up Maggette and Minnesota barely has anything to offer. Getting Griffin and McCants would be decent, but getting the former #1 draft pick would be hard; I doubt the Kandiman wants to come back to Indy. I'd be happier than piss if we could somehow get Odom, but I'm not holding my breath. Now that Larry is back from Europe, I'm hoping a deal can be made soon so the new player(s) can gel and we get our shit together by February. Not that it matters, the way the PissedOns are playing.
Confucius say, "It's better to be pissed off than pissed on."