What's with the number 28?? This week I turn 28 years old - from conception, not birth. The Sun returns to it's original position in the sky every 28 years. Saturn circles the Sun in 28 years. There are 28 days in a moon's cycle - and also a females' cycle. Humans have exactly 28 teeth. There are 28 grams in an ounce. Greek mathmeticians proclaim 28 to be perfect.

I'm sure all these coincidences are nothing more than that, but in my quest to discover why February has 28 days, I studied up on the Gregorian Calendar... which was known as the Julian Calendar... which was known as the Roman Calendar before it was revised by Caesar in 44 BC. Before Pope Gregory XIII revised Julius' version we had a leap year every 4 years; now we have 97 leap years every B'ak'tun. This created an error of the previous 13 centuries' time-keeping by ~10 days, so the last day of the Julian Calendar was Oct 4, 1582 followed by the first day of the Gregorian Calendar on Oct 15, 1582. Makes ya feel empty inside, doesn't it?
1 B'ak'tun later the Sun and Stars gave us §, Thriller and ET. Just another coincidence?
* B'ak'tun = 400 years